St. Vincent

with Bill Murray

Viewed March 19, 2022

Feel free to come and share your own personal insights sometime; the Saturday Night Video and Discussions here in Austin, Texas are a lot of fun and fascinating. (They're free, too.) Here are the questions the group came up with, based on the personal growth themes in the movie:


  1. How have I dealt with bullies in my life?
  2. How can I be a little more patient and take a little more time to determine whether there is the possibility of a connection?
  3. What are my biggest triggers?
  4. How can I feel less insecurity financially and feel more grateful for what I do have?
  5. How have I misjudged people to my own detriment?
  6. What have I missed out on through my judgements of others?
  7. How do I balance instant gratification vs. long term rewards?
  8. What are some things that get me to do things that aren't in my own best interest?
  9. What makes me so desperate that I'm willing to risk everything?
  10. What bothers me most about people's self-destructive behavior?
  11. How do I move forward without being so hard on myself?
  12. What has caused me to create my life in shambles, and how have I handled that?