Falling For Figaro

with Danielle Macdonald

Viewed February 1, 2025

Feel free to come and share your own personal insights sometime; the Saturday Night Video and Discussions here in Austin, Texas are a lot of fun and fascinating. (They're free, too.) Here are the questions the group came up with, based on the personal growth themes in the movie:


  1. When have I given up my authenticity for connection?
  2. How important is independence for me vs. connection?
  3. What am I willing to sacrifice for a dream?
  4. Could constant criticism help me give up needing constant approval?
  5. What causes me to give up authenticity for connection?
  6. When does obstruction motivate me, and when does it discourage me?
  7. What would make my enjoyment/passion more important than what others think?
  8. When has self-doubt stopped me cold?
  9. When has my passion overcome seemingly impossible obstacles?
  10. What have I been willing to sacrifice to pursue my passion?